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"Little People"
10:15 - 11:05 a.m. or 1:15 - 2:05 p.m.

$5 per Session
Online Signup Not Available for This Program.
Please check-in at the Pro Shop to sign up.
NOT a lesson, but a time to encourage tiny (Pre-K and K) children to get comfortable
on the ice by developing balance and skating on their own, which builds CONFIDENCE.
Important Reminders...
No Parents on the Ice
No Double Runners Please
No Sticks (except for stick time)
Helmets, Mittens/Gloves are Mandatory
At the end of Little People, if your skater has a helmet with a cage, stick and puck,
there will be 10 minutes of sticktime where they may stay on & play with puck & stick.
Program information and times may change due to weather or other unforseen circumstances. Please follow us on our verified Facebook page for regular updates.
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